12/16/96 Hey! This is the new KillBot, any bugs mail to: KillBot@hotmail.com KillBot is scripted entirely by Killar and some cool ass graphic shit is done by Krome. If you don't like complicated scripts, throw this away. I tried to make it easy but i sometimes even get confused. 2/2/97 This script is in beta form, many things don't work, and many things aren't even in the online help, i'm just sick of working this and am not gonna finish it if no one shows interest. If you like this and really want it to work, mail to: KillBot@hotmail.com  and if some people show interest, i'll put some more work into it. type .help for help, most is documented there, i may make a begineers guide type thing in a few days, not sure, if you think this bot is easy, it's not. Here's one thing i'll clear up, for a bot to be able to link, they just have to have dcc access, meanind gyou just have to add them to the userlist